So, as you can read in the title, today´s post is going to be about how much impact does it have to stop eating animals in our bodys, the reactions that this causes and the benefits we can obtain.🐹🐷🐼🐹🐖🐟🐙🐐


But first things first, with this I am not trying to convince anyone about going vegan, I just want to inform you about how does it affects. Morevoer, these are some of the reasons why I stick to this beautiful lifestyle, as many other people do. hope you like it!!💚💚

1. Your cholesterol, blood pressure and risk of heart attack disease could began to drop. Reduction of fat meat that blocks your veins and intern body conducts, beacuase  what causes a heart attack or a stroke in many cases it is due to high blood pressure or clogged arteries but, these conditions are not the cause.  These conditions are the effects of the original cause of consuming too many animal fats or fried foods over a period of time.  High blood pressure in most cases is due to the build-up of cholesterol on the arterial walls. The cause of diet induced unhealthy cholesterol,according to is from eating too many saturated fats, which are abundant in beef, pork, veal, milk, and cheese.

2. Diabetes symptoms may imrpove or disappear. 
Neuropathy is experienced by up to 70% of people with diabetes, according to the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse. Peripheral neuropathy affects the nerves responsible for sensation, typically impacting the feet, legs, hands, and arms, causing symptoms such as pain, numbness, loss of sensation, tingling, coldness, and sensitivity to touch.
Previous research has indicated that a low-fat, vegan diet can improve blood sugar control in people with Type 2 diabetes. To determine whether such a diet can also reduce neuropathy pain, investigators put 17 adults with Type 2 diabetes and painful neuropathy on a low-fat, vegan diet with B12 supplementation for 20 weeks, along with weekly nutrition classes for support in following the prescribed diet. A control group was asked to take vitamin B12 supplements, but received no other interventions.
The researchers found that, compared to those in the control group, those on the vegan diet experienced significant improvements in nerve pain based on the results of the Short Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (a self-reported pain scale), physical assessments, and electrochemical skin conductance on their feet. Blood circulation and nerve function were improved, and those following the vegan diet additionally lost an average of 14 pounds.The researchers theorize that the diet works to improve neuropathy symptoms by reducing insulin resistance, allowing the body time to fix the nerve damage.
3. Risks of breast, prostate or colon cancer could be reduced. Vegans consume considerably more legumes, total fruit and vegetables, tomatoes, allium vegetables, fiber, and vitamin C than do omnivores. All those foods and nutrients are protective against cancer . Fruit and vegetables are described as protective against cancer of the lung, mouth, esophagus, and stomach and to a lesser degree some other sites, whereas the regular use of legumes provides a measure of protection against stomach and prostate cancer. In addition, fiber, vitamin C, carotenoids, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals in the diet are shown to exhibit protection against various cancers, whereas allium vegetables provide protection against stomach cancer, and garlic against colorectal cancer. Foods rich in lycopene, such as tomatoes, are known to protect against prostate cancer.

4. There may be some digestive irregularity at fisrt, but after your digestion will become totally awesome. (You´ll go to the bathroom so much easier.)🆏🆏🆏 Eating more veggies and fruits, and also whole foods will help you to cleanse your intestine. Humans have a long intestine, while the carnivores´ one is way too long.  However, our bodys have get used to intake of meat. When you start plant based diet, you need to take your time to let yuor body  get used to a change again. Diarrhea appears as a symptom that origins because it works to drain the bacterias and different substances which were formed by the meat  in the intestine.  

5. You may experience a ´new-vegan-high´. Feel great about doing great things. 😄😄Yassssssssssssss!! 🙌🙌

6. You may reduce inflammation, which is not only a marker of cardiovascular disease; it is also the cause of severe pain in diseases, which affects millions of people across the globe and causes swollen, painful joints that can lose their functioning ability. Although this research has  suggested that genetics have an important role to play, our diet, does have it too, as it can influence the development of inflammation related diseases. A 1989 survey revealed that the foods which tend to worsen this type of pain include dairy, red meat, sugar, fat, caffeine, salt and so-called nightshade produce (including tomatoes and eggplant). 

7. Your PMS may improve. According to ginecologists, the best things to do to reduce your cramps are:
      - exercise (both heavy and light) 🏃 🏄 🏊
      - massages and meditation 💫 ✨
      - sex 😏😏
     - take vitamin D supplements 🅥🅳
     - camomile tea 🍃🌱🍵
     - and of course a healthy lifestyle

A crossover study was done by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Georgetown University School of Medicine where 33 women followed a low-fat, plant-based diet for two menstrual cycles. For two cycles prior to the vegan switch they took a placebo pill and followed their traditional Standard American Diet (S.A.D.), a meat-based, dairy, processed sugar sweets diet. This was a crossover study, so after eating vegan for two months, the women were required by the study to go back to their SAD diets to see if the pain from menstrual cramps, caused by inflammation, would return. But the women felt so much better, that when asked by the researchers to go back to their regular diet several women refused.

    ⇉ what is PMS? ➤premenstrual syndrome: physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the 1 or 2 weeks 
                                       before the womas´s period; such as 
                                       - acne
                                       - bloating
                                       - feeling tired
                                       - mood changes
                                       - irritability
                                       - tender breasrts 

8. It will prevent from deteriorating youn brain functions. This is beacuse a high intake of omega-6, which is found in red meat is positively associated with cognitive impairment. cholesterol that accumulates in the arteries around the heart also accumulates in the blood vessels inside the brain.  It is possible that the extra fat accumulation in the brain slows down the thinking process. 

sources: (just in case you want to read more about it)

This is it for today, really hope you like it !!!💙💚💛


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