There are too many beliefs, wrong thougts and an uncomprehensible fear t o eating cereals. And today I´m standing up (obvious it´s not literary 😆😂 ) and break false thoughts or myths about them, And I will also give 3 fantastic recipes with cereals😋😋.


Cereals are plants from the family of the poaceae. So, a cereal is any of the edible component of the grain of cultivated grass, composed of the endosperm, germ, and bran.  ➤            ➤             ➤             ➤          ➠➠➠
Cereal grains are grwon in greater quantities and provide more food energy worlwide than any other type of crop. Therefore are staple crops, this is, a food that is eaten in a daily basis and in such quantities that it constitutes a prevaling part of a standard diet, supplying a large fraction of energy needs and becoming, also, a source of the intake of other nutrients.

Because of this, many cereals, in the beginning of its domestication encouraged the appearance of many civilizations that tied to them.

Cereals are classified into 2 types:

⧪ Mayor cereals:                       ⧪ Minor cereals:
     - corn                                         - millet
     - rice                                          - canary grass
     - oats                                         - teff
     - wheat                                      - sorghum
     - barley                                      - adlay
     - rye                                           - triticale (hybrid grain from wheat and rye)

Edible grains from other plant  families, such as quinoa, chia and buckwheat are referred as pseudocereals.

In their natural, unprocessed, whole grain form, cereals are a rich source of:
- vitamins
- minerals
- oils
- fats
- protein
- carbohydrates

So its consumption, which is now moderate and variate, remains substantial though.


 ➥ You can use a cereal as the base of your meal, the combine really well with any vegetable. So the plate is going to be like: cooked cereal +  vegetables (both raw or cooked- steamed/ grilled)

 ➥ Another idea is that you add 1 cup of cooked cereal to your salad to make it more fulfilling, tastier and richer in nutrients.

 ➥ Most of them you can buy already inflated in any supermarket, and you can also find it online; and they get that crunchy point, so deli !! This is a perfect boom for starting your day, 2 cups of inflated cereals with you fav vegetal milk + some fruit
As it is getting a lil long, I will post the 3 recipes with cereals on the next publication !!

Hope you have enjoyed this one and start including cereals to your meals 😄😄
See you so soon, love you 💞💞

For more recipes, tips and motivation, you can follow me on every social media 💙💙

- twitter:        https://twitter.com/almu016 


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